Path of Life Services
Unplanned Pregnancy Services
If you are pregnant and don’t know what to do, Path of Life can help. Our free, confidential mentoring & education is available to help you understand all of your options. We also offer free lab quality pregnancy tests, ultrasounds as well as practical help to prepare yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually for the choices that lie ahead.
If you are feeling alone or just have some questions, contact Path of Life for support, help and hope at 509.444.9035 (call or text), email info@PathOfLifeSpokane.org.

Post-Abortion Recovery
At Path of Life experienced volunteers walk with you as you seek healing and restoration with yourself, God and others through support groups for women and men. You are given the opportunity, time and space to examine your individual situation. You can experience healing through a support group.
Support Group Information:
Groups are ongoing and start several times throughout the year. For the confidentiality of group members, group times and locations are not posted on our website. Please contact Path of Life at 509.444.9035 (call or text), email info@PathOfLifespokane.org for more information
Relationship Resource Consulting
Path of Life provides one on one and group mentoring to those seeking strong and healthy relationships. Perhaps your relationships are tense and uncertain or you are longing to communicate better with others. Path of Life can help!
From a biblical perspective, we seek to build relationships to be honest, loving and Christ-honoring. We believe healing and wholeness can be experienced! Contact Path of Life at 509.444.9035 (call or text), email info@PathOfLifeSpokane.org to get started.

Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction & Gender Identity
If you are struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or feeling confused in your gender, you are not alone. Compassionate and hopeful mentoring is available. Path of Life is a Christian organization, providing free, nonjudgmental and confidential discipleship in one on one and group settings. We also offer prayer and support for Friends & Family of those who are struggling with same sex attraction and/or gender identity issues.
Please contact Path of Life at 509.444.9035 (call or text), email info@PathOfLifeSpokane.org. Hope and change are possible, and you don’t have to do it alone.
Pregnancy Loss Services
Path of Life offers one on one consultation or groups for those who have experienced pregnancy loss.
Call or text 509.444.9035 for an appointment. Business hours are Monday - Thursday 9 am to 5 pm.

Medical Services
Path of Life offers clients the following free services provided by on-site licensed, medical professionals:
Lab quality, verifiable pregnancy tests
STD/STI Testing and Treatment (men & women)
Ultrasound for clients 8-22 weeks
Abortion Reversal Treatment
Call or text 509.444.9035 for an appointment. Business hours are Monday - Thursday 9 am to 5 pm.