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Path of Life is a Relationship Resource Center that exists to offer Christ-centered hope and resources for sexual health and relational wholeness.  The ministry name, Path of Life, is based upon Psalm 16:11 in the Bible: “You make known to me the Path of Life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.”


Path of Life has four main ministry paths:

  • Pregnancy Services & Support

  • Post-abortion recovery

  • Unwanted same-sex attraction and gender Identity

  • Relationship Resource in the context of spiritual discipleship​


Each ministry area is supported by free medical services including lab quality, verifiable pregnancy testing, STD/STI testing and treatment and free ultrasounds provided by volunteer RNs, Registered Medical Assistants under the direction of our Medical Director, an OB/GYN.​


Each ministry avenue provides free education and mentoring. We seek to share the love of God and his purposes with those who may be feeling confused, hopeless or fearful.


Path of life is not political and provides direct service to clients without discrimination based on race, religion, or gender. While acknowledging that abortion and sexual identity issues carry certain political implications, Path of Life will not engage with clients on that level. We offer a compassionate approach that adheres to biblical standards.


Path of Life is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, existing solely through the help of highly trained volunteers and financial donations of individuals and churches. We have several opportunities and areas in which you can get involved:



If you would like to support Path of Life financially, please click here. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you in advance for generously donating to Path of Life!



If you are interested in volunteering with Path of Life, we would love to meet you! Please click Volunteer above and send us a message.



We would welcome the opportunity to speak to your church or group about Path of Life. Please click on the red "Share" above to contact our team and schedule a time to hear how your group can partner with Path of Life and benefit from one of our presentations.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalm 16:11

  103 E. Indiana, Suite B, Spokane, WA 99207    |    509.444.9035    |    |    © 2023 Path of Life 

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